Welcome to the Bailliage of Slovenia

La Chaîne des Rôtisseurs

Svetovno gastronomsko združenje

Association Mondiale de la Gastronomie


Svetovna skupnost, katere cilj je bratstvo, prijateljstvo, druženje in skupna strast do kulinarike

A global community whose focus is brotherhood, friendship, camaraderie and sharing a passion for the culinary arts

Chaîne des Rôtisseurs je mednarodno združenje za gastronomijo s skoraj 25.000 člani. Ustanovljeno je v več kot 80 državah in združuje navdušence, ki imajo podobne vrednote: uživanje v dobrih jedeh, razvijanje spretnosti pri pripravi hrane in druženje. Naše združenje povezuje amaterje in profesionalce (hotelirje, gostilničarje, kuharje, somelierje)  z vsega sveta pri uživanju v dobri hrani.

With nearly 25,000 members, the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs is an International Association of Gastronomy now established in over 80 countries bringing together enthusiasts who share the same values of quality, fine dining, the encouragement of the culinary arts and the pleasures of the table. The distinctive character of our association is to bring together amateurs and professionals, from all over the world, whether they are hoteliers, restaurateurs, executive chefs or sommeliers, in the appreciation of fine cuisine.


Chaîne des Rôtisseurs vabi vse ljubitelje gastronomije, dobre hrane in vina, da delijo z nami svoje vrednote, ki nas združujejo v razvijanju kulinarične tradicije

The Chaîne des Rôtisseurs invites all lovers of gastronomy, good food and fine wines to share its values of excellence and brotherhood, uniting us in the continuation of great culinary traditions

Slovenia - Uros Fakuč
Nova Gorica, February 6, 2025
A name synonymous with culinary innovation and excellence
Slovenia - Igor Jagodic
Ljubljana, January 6, 2025
An exceptional culinary artist
Slovenia - Wines
August 16, 2024
Exploring the captivating world of Slovenian wine


Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs Competition Switzerland - Interlaken



Chapitre of Philippines - Cebu



Chapitre Frankfurt Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs Competition / Jeunes Sommeliers Competition - Frankfurt

Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs Competition
Jeunes Sommeliers Competition

Chapitre Frankfurt
Induction Ceremony and Gala Dîner
April 7th 2025



Grand Chapitre of New Zealand - Auckland

A Grand Chapitre will be held in Auckland, New Zealand from 11th to the 13th of April 2025. The Induction Ceremony will be held at the Helier Oceania and will be presided over by Norm Harrison Bailli Delegue Australia and Membre du Conseil Magistral and Commandeur.
The three-day event will feature some of Auckland and New Zealand's finest restaurants.

Program: 2025 New Zealand Grand Chapitre programme.docx



Chapitre of Finland Rovaniemi,JCR Chapitre - Rovaniemi



Chapitre of Tunisia - Hammamet, Tunisia